Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Finnish language: what I have learned so far

The Finnish have no sex and no future

General interesting things

The above quotation from who-knows-where (though this is the internet, so I probably should cite Confucius or Abraham Lincoln) is a joke about the Finnish language ("suomen kieli").  What it means is that 1) there is no grammatical sex, even in pronouns (aka English she and he are just one word in Finnish - hän), and 2) no future tense (you can only discuss your plans in the present tense).  The relationship between language and culture is interesting because Finland is also one of the most gender-equal countries (#2/138 countries on the recent World Economic Forum gender equity rankings), so I wonder if the gender equal society and language are related.  It is really interesting to my American brain to hear Finnish and not have any clue the genders of the people being discussed (sometimes even if I hear names - some names that resemble common American names of a specific gender belong to the opposite gender in Finland; e.g., Kari and Lauri look like American female names but are in fact male in Finland).  It is also interesting because one of the most common English mistakes Finns make is mixing up he/she, even if they are extremely fluent, which I think means that their brains just do not consider whether a person is male or female when talking about them.  People with other native languages also make this mistake, but they seem to correct it faster; sometimes Finns just totally don't realize they mixed the pronouns up and just continue talking.  Wikipedia actually has a great article on this topic, and how gender works in gender-neutral languages (hint: it is different everywhere!).  And for the really curious, Sweden is finally catching up to Finland and officially introduced a gender-neutral pronoun into their language.

Also, no possession

There is no word for "to have" in Finnish.  Instead, you say minulla on ___ = ____ is at me.  This includes hunger; minulla on nälkä = (literally) at me is hunger.

Comparisons to other languages
One of my Finnish instructors gave the analogy that Finnish grammar is like a pyramid - it is wide on the bottom (lots of rules to learn initially), but narrow on top (new words are easy once you learn the rules).  For comparison, he said English is like an inverted pyramid, where it is very easy to start but then gets extremely difficult to become fluent because there are so many crazy exceptions to all the crazy rules.  Pronunciation follows this as well - in Finnish you pronounce words as you see them, while in English you basically have to guess how to pronounce new words.

People love talking about the Foreign Service's language difficulty ranking, which estimates that it takes over 1100 hours (that's like 10 semesters of normal college classes) to get proficient at Finnish!  In addition to Finnish, I have studied a few of the "easy" languages on this list (French, Italian, and Swedish) but only one of the hardest (Japanese), so it has been interesting to think about their differences from Finnish, and compare difficulties.  Both Finnish and Japanese require a totally different sense of grammar then we learn in English, and Finnish might even have a more difficult style of grammar than Japanese.  However, Japanese is much, much harder because of the writing (they have two 70-character alphabets used in conjugation and spelling, AND a set of pictographic characters like Chinese) and the way that culture is entwined with the language (when talking to members of a different social rank like parents or teachers, there is a set of words so different it is almost another language).  To put it simply, I know a few (not many) foreigners in Finland who are pretty fluent, but I never even heard about foreigners while I was in Japan who were close to that.

It is interesting to see what languages share words with Finnish, because it isn't many.  In an earlier post I talked about some words, but I have since learned a lot more about Finnish.  There are very few cognates to English, and so I was very surprised when I saw that some of the days of the week are similar (maanantai, tiistai, torstai, sunnuntai) but then I realized they are the same in Swedish.  Then I realized that all the English cognates I could think of (except for obviously-modern things like taksi) were actually the same in Swedish, so I figure that words made their way between English and Finnish through Swedish, which makes sense based on Finnish history.  

Huomio! Things to be careful of in Finnish...

The difference between "a" and "ä" might not look like much but changing the pronunciation can totally change the meaning of a word (examples follow at the bottom).  This is the probably the hardest sound to distinguish for me as an American because both sounds are made by our letter "a".  Finnish also has "o" and "ö", and "u" and "y"; the difference between these three pairs is where your tongue is when you make the sound (here is a pronunciation guide).

Single vs. double letters

Again, this might look silly to English-speakers, but a lot of the meaning is carried in the length of each sound, just as in Chinese meaning is changed by the tone with which you say the sound.  We do this to some extent in English to communicate emotional meaning.  For instance we ask questions by raising the tone of our voice at the end of a sentence, while in other languages (like Finnish) a question word (or word ending: -ko in Finnish) does the trick.  Same with sound length; we use that to stress different parts of words or sentences.  Examples of how sound length makes a difference:
tapaan = I meet   VS   tapan = I kill
kuusi = spruce   VS   kusi = piss   (though maybe this explains why that Christmas tree smelled the way it did...)
Kokko, kokoo koko kokko kokoon = Kokko (name), gather together the whole bonfire.
Tuli tuli, tuli tuuli, tuuli tuuli, tuli sammui = Fire came, wind came, the wind blew, and the fire went out (which actually makes sense!).


Prepositions are important in English ("I eat you" vs "I eat with you").  However, Finnish does not have prepositions and instead uses word endings in the same way.  So instead of saying "I go to the store" you can say Menen kauppaan.  Sometimes there is only one correct ending based on the context and if you get the wrong one people will figure it out, but other times getting it wrong will change the meaning, sometimes in a huge way:

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ And now my favorite example (thanks to Reddit):

Näin norsun = I saw an elephant.
Näin norsua = I dated an elephant (not sure if this one is correct).
Nain norsun = I married an elephant.
Nain nursua = I had sex with an elephant (and who said the Finns didn't have sex...).
The difference is whether it is näin (past tense of nähdä) or nain (past tense of naida), and whether norsu is in accusitive (norsun) or partitive (norsua) case.  Careful what you say!

Agglutinative language

In Finnish, endings can be added together to build meanings.  This almost seems like Latin to me (not knowing how Latin actually works), where you can combine things like unus ("one") and versus ("turned into one") to get the word that became English university.  In Finnish, university is yliopisto which breaks into something like yli/opi/sto = upper/learn/place.

My favorite example of taking endings to the extreme (I found these online, so I am not positive of their truth) is: lento/kone/suihku/turbiini/apu/mekaanikko/ali/upseeri/oppilas = flying/machine/jet/turbine/assistant/mechanic/under/officer/student = Air Force non-commissioned officer student being trained as an assistant technician to repair jet turbines used in airplanes.  Another fun example of adding words together gives 7 vowels in a row; hääyöaie, which breaks down into hää/yö/aie = wedding night intention.

Of course, there are also homonyms (words that are written and pronounced the same but with different meanings) in Finnish just like in English.
For instance: Etsivät etsivät etsivät etsivät etsivätThe detectives who look for detectives are looking for themselves (reminiscent of the famous grammatically-correct sentence in English "Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo.") [source: yet Reddit again]

Finnish has homonyms, just like English.
From Reddit; no idea where they got it.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

How Finland treats its teachers - not what you think

First of all, Hyvää Uuttaa Vuotta (Happy New Year for all you who don't know Finnish)!

The American take on Finnish teachers

Whenever I read articles in the American popular media about Finnish education, they always point to how the teachers are treated differently with things like respect, Master's degrees, and salary.  However, being in Finland for almost five months now, I feel that the differences highlighted  are often meaningless, and those of significance are largely ignored.  So here is my take on the differences in the status of the teaching profession in Finland and the USA.

Finnish teachers need a Master's degree

I see this one all the time.  This is totally true and different from the US (only a bachelors is required), but it totally misses the differences what "Master's" and "Bachelor's" degrees actually mean in the two countries.  In the US (at least among people and schools I know), the two degrees are usually quite separate and people will attend two different schools for the two degrees, often in two different fields and often after a few-year break to work.  In Finland on the other hand, the two are often part of a single program and you just go through the full five-year program, getting your bachelors after writing a thesis.  What this means is that in Finland, most people who get a university degree get at least a Master's (84% who get a Bachelor's also get a Master's), so it is not surprising that teachers also have to get a Master's since they are trained in universities.  On the other hand, the natural breaking point in the US system means that only 38% of Americans who get a Bachelor's go on to get a Master's as well.  It is worth noting that 48% of teachers have gone on to get their own Master's as well, well above the American average.

The setup is because (according to one of my history-buff friends here) Finland had to adapt its existing university system when it joined the European Union, and the easiest way to make their 5-year university degree fit was to call it a Master's, and then add a stopping point in the middle and call it a Bachelor's.

% population
% teachers
18.4% [1]
7.1% [1]
48% [3]
10.1% [2]
8.5% [2]
* Current legislation demands a Bachelor's for teacher certification in the US and a Master's in Finland.  Teachers certified before might not have these degrees, so the real figures are likely to be lower than 100%.
[3] National Center for Education Statistics, 2012

Also interestingly, there are more than 10 times as many applicants as positions available in Finland's 8 teacher-training schools.  This means that statistically, you have as much chance of becoming a teacher in Finland as getting into MIT.  Crazy!

Me, with some education friends at the Educarium - University of Turku's education building.  Admission to teacher training programs here is as unlikely as getting into MIT for Finns (and basically impossible for foreigners).
Summary for the lazy: Finnish teachers need a Master's, but basically all university-trained Finns get one.  Finnish teacher school is literally as selective as MIT.


One of the things I have learned here from all my foreign friends is that educators in every single country feel undervalued and underpaid.  Even Finland (though maybe less so).  When I looked up some polls on occupational prestige, I was not surprised to find that it is #1 in Finland.  I was, however, surprised to see it at #6 in the US with 51% of respondents finding it to be "very high prestige".  Perhaps even more interestingly, teaching is apparently the American profession growing fastest in prestige over the 30 years this poll has been conducted - in 1979, just 29% of respondents found it "very high prestige".  Will this trend continue until teaching is #1 like in Finland?  Who knows.

Summary for the lazy (really, one paragraph is too much?): Teaching is the #1 most prestigious job in Finland, #6 (but rising) in the US

Work life

I could not believe the numbers when I saw them: American teachers apparently are required to teach double the hours that Finnish teachers are - 1051 hours per year versus 550**.  Finnish teachers also don't have all the silly bureaucratic paperwork that so many American teachers have because basically it is trusted that they will do a good job once they are accepted into and graduate from teacher training school.  Seriously, there is basically no administration in Finland and even the principals at many schools still teach at least one or two classes (more on this another time, but imagine what this means financially as well).

**Though I trust the OECD and their data collection techniques in general, but I am a little surprised by these results.  Based on the 180-day American school year and 188-day Finnish school year, American teachers teach 5.8 hours per day and Finnish teachers teach 2.9 hours per day.  However, the teachers I have met here all teach around 4-5 hours per day.

Summary: American teachers have many more obligations than Finnish teachers, meaning potentially high levels of stress and less time for planning enriching educational activities.


Americans love to talk about economic arguments for everything.  I found a bunch of different salary data for the two countries, and tried to compare a number of different ways (economist friends - what is the actual best way to do this?).  I tried the following: 1) converting salary Finnish Euros to US $ using the OECD Purchasing Power Parity conversion (it basically equalizes based on the cost of goods; data and explanation), 2) comparing the ratio of teacher salary to average salary for the same level of education, and 3) comparing the ratio of teacher salary to per-capita GDP.  In all metrics and for all values of salary (below), US teachers earn more than Finnish teachers. 

General Public
Per-Capita GDP*
Ave. Salary Equiv. Deg.*
Domestic Data*
OECD* [9]
15 years experience
$52,000 [5]
$53,000 [3]
$52,000 [4]

Earning Potential**
Share GDP***
General Public
Per-Capita GDP*
Ave. Salary Equiv. Deg.*
Domestic Data*
OECD* [9]
15 years experience
$46,000 [5]
$57,000 [7]
$41,000 [8]
Earning Potential**
Share GDP***

*All monetary figures for the US are reported in raw US $.  All monetary figures for the Finland are converted to US $ using the OECD PPP 2012 conversion rate of 0.907 OECD 2013c.  All monetary figures for both countries are rounded to the nearest $1,000 to avoid implying nonexistent accuracy
**Earning Potential represents how much money the career makes compared to the median for those with the same degree qualifications (Median Salary divided by Median Salary for that degree in the General Public; calculated using unrounded data)
***Share GDP represents the share of the Per-Capita GDP that Median Salary earns (Median Salary divided by Per-Cap GDP; calculated using unrounded data)
[3] US Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2013 ; Median annual wages
[4] US Bureau of Labor Statistics 2012; Salary data is median elementary school teacher annual wage
[7] Statistics Finland 2013d; “Total earnings”
[8] Statistics Finland 2013b; Salary data is luokanopettaja mean annual wage
[9] OECD 2013b

Summary: US teachers seem to make more

Teacher retention

American teachers simply (generally) do not stick around for very long, which has been long identified as a problem.  In fact, each year 9% of American teachers leave the profession and apparently half of new teachers leave the profession within just five years of teaching (source, but it is behind a paywall).  In comparison, 85-90% of Finnish teachers do not leave the profession until retirement (I don't have primary data on this, just several reliable sources that mention the number without citation, like this OECD report and this article by Pasi Sahlberg, a leading Finnish expert on education).

Summary: Over 85% of Finnish teachers stay for most of their careers while 50% of American teachers leave within 5 years

Summary Table
(because I love tables...)
Sorry for the quality, I made the table in Word and apparently it didn't transfer well...